

Copyright © October 29, 2016 by Douglas W. Jerving.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the author, except as provided by USA copyright law.

Mamma Socks begat Little Blackie.
Little Blackie was the dear friend of old Brownie
Who protected her children and with her
Sat in lawn chairs until he went away.

Little Blackie begat Cinnamon
With other siblings her first litter.
She begat again before she went
To her beloved Brownie.

Pot, Calico, Carmel Corn and Dot
Who still long look for her
Each day when they come out
But she is gone, so they return

The shelter she, so young, led them.

Refugees! Children. Orphans weaned,
Still looking heads move here,
There, again, here, there for Mom,
But she is nestled lovingly away.

They do not even know her grave
Is just outside the house abided
By the four of them where they play
Anticipating her return.

They are safe for the winter
Out of the snow and fed and loved
And will forget her as they grow.
Spring they will move away.

Her grave will remain; They still
Will not know the representation
Of that stone set for her, and just
As much her dearest lover Brownie

Who never was recovered, but
Memorial of both remain, though one
Was all we could place lovingly
Beneath that sodden earth.

I laid her down so gently
And wrapped her tail in her sleep
As if she would awake for me
Again if I were kind enough

So that she'd turn her broken head
To come back to our house as she
Had come before we knew
She had new children and must flee

Back to the yard, the rain and cold
To teach them too that here,
Where Brownie taught her she
Would be forever loved

And all her children just as well.
So Pot and Dot and Carmel Corn
And Calico and of the early, Son,
The beautiful eyed Cinnamon,

Abide, These five our own dear loves.
These we love, protect and serve,
These we shelter, they we feed
Brownie's in old age, grand-fathered

Blackie's babies still in need,
Kettle's little sisters, brothers.
Cinnamon's family too, still young.
Our own dear family; our own cats.


Mamma Socks begat Little Blackie. Little Blackie begat Kettle and Cinnamon. Brownie fostered and befriended Little Blackie and her children in his old age. Brownie died before Little Blackie had her second litter. Afterwards, Little Blackie begat Pot, Dot, Calico and Carmel. These last four remain and are under our care.

This history is subject to revision. My wife Patty Jerving has complete records of the lives of all our alley cats for the last 3 to 5 years. She is the cat anthropologist for all of them. The poem above, or my notes here, is not necessarily an accurate record. For a complete and scientific geneology see her notes (unpublished).


Doug Jerving is the publisher of the You may contact him at


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